by Neil Pursey

Dear Valued Clients and Partners,

In our relentless quest for marketing excellence, Measurebyte's focus remains - blending intricate customer journey analytics with a deep understanding of stakeholder motivation. 

These are the two ingredients for successful data adoption in marketing. 

This letter is a manifesto for 2024—a year in which we reinforce our commitment to further elevating your marketing operations from being data-centric to becoming genuinely insight-focused.

2023 was a pivotal year for us, marked by deliberate, careful growth and focused innovation, all made possible by our incredible team and the unwavering trust you've placed in our capabilities. We've continued development on 4 key solutions (MeasureBrand® Framework, Taxonomy Tool, DecisionBoard and IdeationRoom) and refining our messaging to meet your needs directly, aiming to provide value that transcends quantitative metrics.

One of the standout achievements of the past year was the remarkable progress in our product development, spearheaded by Stephan van Wyk. His contributions, particularly in developing the Sanlam PoC DecisionBoard and leading our insights initiative, have raised the bar for what we can achieve and embody the Measurebyte ethos of pushing limits, fostering innovation, and delivering impactful results.

2 months into 2024, we are optimistic and ambitious. Guided by the 2Y3X framework (*1), our objectives are bold yet within reach: at least a 3x uplift in revenue, attaining 100% customer satisfaction, and hiring the right A-Players that reflect our core values. These goals underscore our dedication not just to our growth but also to yours.

I’ve learnt that the words used in our meetings with you can influence your marketing measurement journey. In complex team environments, as we break down silos, it becomes even more crucial for us to set the right tone so we are singing from the same hymn sheet.

These are the words and phrases I want to use more of in 2024…

From Data-Driven to Insights-Driven

Our journey so far has been about creating value out of marketing data. In 2024, we commit to elevating your marketing teams from being data-driven to truly insights-driven. 

It’s about leveraging data not for the sake of collection but for the depth of insights that can empower decision-making and fuel growth. 

The value of AI in the process of insights cannot be ignored. But what I don’t want to encourage is the “shiny object syndrome”. We are investigating all the possible use cases that AI can influence in the insights process. We will be reaching out to you individually to dig deeper into this topic.

The true value lies NOT in the quantity of data but in the quality of insights derived from it. Insights is the sharp end of the sword. Let’s remember this.

Redefining “Performance Marketing”

The term 'Performance Marketing' has long underserved the strategic depth and breadth of digital marketing roles. It attempts to cover the entirety of the customer journey yet often fails to do so effectively. 

It was the poster child for so many years when attribution was at its peak, but in 2024, it just feels like a hospital pass.

The ‘performance marketing’ lemon can no longer be squeezed unless we start making clear distinctions in roles.

To rectify this, we propose a shift towards the title of 'Digital Sales,' which more accurately reflects the role's impact on sales and growth. This rebranding emphasises strategic contributions over tactical optimisations and aligns with our vision for a growing brand powered by insightful data.

In parallel, we advocate for the reintroduction of 'Inbound Marketing' within the digital marketing sphere, specifically within the THINK stage of the customer journey, thereby aligning job titles more closely with each stage of Avinash Kaushik’s STDC Framework (*2):

  • SEE: Brand Marketing with an Objective for Brand Salience
  • THINK: Inbound Marketing with an Objective for User Journey Optimisation
  • DO: Digital Sales with an Objective for Conversion
  • CARE: Customer Satisfaction with an Objective for Loyalty

This strategic realignment in our minds clarifies the responsibilities and objectives at each customer journey stage, seamlessly integrating with the broader MeasureBrand® Framework.

Instituting 'Rules and Guardrails'

In refining our operational practices together, we draw inspiration from the 1% marginal gains principle. I owe much of the success of my work at AbInBev’s Draftline JNB a few years back (pre-Measurebyte) to this simple change in mindset. Craig Wight also played a pivotal role in this.

The 'Rules and Guardrails' framework (*3) we're adopting will ensure that our decision-making remains focused and aligned with broader strategic goals, fostering a culture of continuous improvement and disciplined creativity within defined boundaries of our understanding of how brands grow.

A lot of this thinking around rules, guardrails and principles will and continue to be brought into the MeasureBrand® Framework.

Understanding 'Mental Availability'

You turned to Measurebyte for various reasons, primarily to reduce media wastage, unearth campaign insights, and boost sales. Increasing your brand's mental availability may not have been your explicit goal, yet it's a critical component of marketing measurement we cannot overlook.

I’ll continue to absorb the thinking of Byron Sharp, Jenni Romaniuk, and Mark Ritson and their discussions and debates on this topic. And enlightening conversations with Philip Cohen make me think we need to start a measurement council to press further into this topic.

Enhancing 'OKRs'

We're strengthening our focus on 'OKRs' (Objectives and Key Results) through our quarterly FutureSight program, aiming to align our efforts towards shared, strategically sound goals. This initiative promises to enhance the clarity and effectiveness of our DecisionBoard goal-setting and measurement practices with you.

This is not a big shift in our thinking but rather an intentional effort to focus on OKRs with you once a quarter.

Introducing 'GAMP'

The concept of 'GAMP' (Generally Accepted Measurement Principles) arises from the need to streamline the overwhelming number of metrics and measurement options available to marketers (*4). 

I read recently that over 400 metrics have been identified by the marketing industry… Madness.

By focusing on a core set of measurement principles, we must aim to establish a common framework that guides our strategic and operational decisions.

Influencing the Briefing Process

Inspired by Avinash Kaushik’s impact matrix (*5), we seek to leverage our understanding of customer journey metrics and stakeholder motivations to refine the briefing process.

Addressing the root causes of marketing challenges rather than just the symptoms will lead to more effective and impactful marketing strategies. 

Poor briefing impacts data quality, which negatively impacts insights. It definitely plays in the realm of root cause. This we need to solve.

In 2024, our commitment to transparency, honesty, and education remains unwavering. We look forward to continuing our client relationships and partnerships with you, armed with insights and strategies that drive meaningful growth for your brands.

Here's to another transformative year ahead,



  • Recommended reading: Scale at Speed by Felix Velarde.
  • Read Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik - Blog title “See, Think, Do, Care Winning Combo: Content +Marketing +Measurement!”.
  • Recommended reading: Clear Thinking by Shane Parrish.
  • I took the idea from GAAP, Generally Accepted Accounting Principles, while learning more about Warren Buffett’s approach to longterm investment strategies.
  • Read Occam’s Razor by Avinash Kaushik - Blog title “The Impact Matrix | A Digital Analytics Strategy Framework”.

About Neil Pursey

The founder and CEO of Measurebyte. His expertise lies in operationalising data to unlock strategic insights, transforming how marketing teams make decisions and prove their value. Neil’s approach is to focus on breaking down silos within organisations to foster a more collaborative and insightful marketing practice. His vision for Measurebyte is not just about providing tools but partnering with clients to shape smarter, more effective marketing teams for the future.